JUMP TOecobee SmartBuildings Public APIbuildingsList of all building IDsgetCreate a new buildingpostGet building summarygetthermostatsRegister a thermostat in SmartBuildingspostGet a list of the thermostats in a buildinggetList of all thermostat IDsgetUnregister a thermostat from SmartBuildingsdeleteGet a summary of a thermostatgetUpdates base thermostat informationpatchGet current alerts on a thermostatgetSet fan hold on the thermostatpostSet hvacMode on thermostatpatchResume the thermostat schedule.postSets / unsets tenant mode on a thermostat.patchGet current events on a thermostatgetGet current status of all sensors connected to a thermostatgetGet weather forecast for thermostat's regiongetGet current status of a thermostatgetCreate a temporary cool holdpostCreate a temporary heat holdpostauthenticationGet a jwt tokenpostGet weather forecast for thermostat's regionget https://api.sb.ecobee.com/api/v1/thermostats/{thermostatId}/weatherReturns a list with weather forecast information for the thermostat